In magpie you can choose which advertisers' tweets you want to show and also choose the frequency of magpie tweets which is by default 1 magpie tweet per 10 tweets. You have to add a personal disclaimer to your magpie tweets(like ad:) before or after the tweet so that your followers know that it is not a normal tweet but a magpie tweet.
You are paid according to the ad type. Some ads are pay per view others are pay per sale. Once you have collected 50 pounds you can cashout through paypal. You can also use the money which you have earned to advertise your own tweets.
Here is an example of a magpie tweet:

Join Magpie.
TWTAD is quite different from magpie. In twtad you add your ad tweets manually whereas in magpie it is automated and the other difference is that there is no personal disclaimer in twtad. In twtad you have a lot of choice because you can select any of the ads from the list.
When your account reaches 20$ you can cash out via paypal. Cashouts are processed on thursday and friday of every week.
Here is an example of a twtad tweet:

join twtad
Twittad is a very different from the above. In twittad you get price per follower which is calulated using this site What your tweet's worth. Twittad monetizes your twitter background by displayong the ad on your twitter background. Plus you have to display one tweet of the advertiser at the time of sell as well as at the end of the tenure. You can sell ads for a period of 7days, 15days, 1month and 3 months.
A new feature added to twitter is opt-in Ad Campaigns where you can choose which ad-campaigns you would like to publish.
Once your balance reaches 30$ you can withdraw money and get oaid through patypal.
Here is an example who sold the ad for a week at 2.5$ having 1727 followers.

join twittad
Adcause is a relatively new but promising method to monetize through twitter.
Publishers can make themselves available to advertisers by creating an open ad spot. The ad spot consists of a description box to tell advertisers why they should buy, duration options (1 - 3 months), ad frequency customization (1 out of 5 - 20 tweets is an ad), and price point.
Once created, your spot can then be seen by advertisers, who, if they like what they see, can pay you via PayPal. Each audience type - publisher or advertiser - has its own dashboard with ad-related info for managing ad buys and current spots.

Advertisers can search for the right Twitterers by Twitter name, tag, follower/following numbers, and location. Each search will return available ad spots matching the specified criteria. From that view, advertisers can click to purchase via PayPal, or negotiate a better deal. When a deal is made, the advertiser’s marketing message will automatically start to appear inline in the Twitter stream of the Twitterer in question.
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