Nowadays web advertising has reached a new level. New and different ideas have been developed by these ingenious minds. First there were shopping ad widgets made by the Widgetbucks.Pluck On Demand is one such great advertising idea.
Pluck On Demand combines quality content with advertising. Pluck On Demand adds substance to these websites by adding related content from various big sites such as, etc. And to add to this the users can view and comment on this content. This means good quality content on your website and hence more number of page views. As this content comes bundled with advertisements and hence there is more revenue earning potential.
Pluck on Demand shows related content and tags according to the content of your website (as google adsense displays ads related to website content).It is javascript based and therefore will not affect search engine results.
It takes few minutes to complete the installation of all the widgets.If wou want to preview what content will be displayed on your site before signing up just visit this
sitePluck On Demand is patnered by Kontera.(You will see Text-In Advertising in all this content.)
Here is an instructional Video:
The Beta version is available only for US publishers.
Publishers will be paid through paypal 30 days after 10$ are accrued to an account.